After a cycle of twelve years, the dragon zodiac sign has returned in 2012. In Japan the dragon is a mighty symbol, as it is not only representing power and wisdom, but fortune and prosperity as well (read here and here for learning more).
On top of welcoming this special year, we would like to celebrate with you the opening of our new home! New years house-cleaning is done and everything is furnished cosily. Be the first to see it! Enjoy tea, sake and a special New Years dish, listen to the winterly story about the kasajizo (protective Buddhist stone statues) and have a nice conversation with us.
When: January 2nd, 2012, 11am SLT
Where: click for a SLURL
Where: click for a SLURL
To celebrate this special day, all Maiko and Geiko of our Okiya will wear formal attire. Please feel encouraged to dress up as well!
Junior Head Geiko
Junior Head Geiko