Tuesday, June 2, 2009

June is here in all her finery!

June heralds the start of the new season. Time to dust off your lacquered shoes, change your tama and unfold your yukata collection. Small hints of change that let us know summer is here and fireworks are in the near future.

As always this also is the time for our new shikomi to join us. You must be wondering why shikomi is given such an importance at the Blue Lotus when in real life they are helpers and new faces of geisha trainees. In our virtual hanamachi there are needs to adapt and create new traditions. To better convey the aesthetic in this medium.

Our first rank is Okiya Hopeful. A four to six week period that allows an applicant to get to know the Blue Lotus and people there to see if the geisha path here is for them. They are also sent on a pilgrimage to visit other okiya and geisha establishments. The goal of this is to get these applicants to see the varied options and interpretations of geisha in SL and choose one that works for them.

Then an applicant is invited into our geisha group once she has completed the hopeful stage. She becomes a shikomi. For us this is a celebration of a new seed planted in our world we make a little more fuss than normal.

I would like to present the shikomi of this season. Hopefully many of them make it to minarai. Best wishes ladies and happy journey.

You can meet these ladies at our weekly Lotus Blossoms events on Monday's at 10 am SLT and Tuesdays 7 pm SLT at our Ochaya. These are introductory events to help the ladies acclimate to being a SL performer and to meet our honored patrons and friends.

Bryony - Aya - Sushie - Stefy - Klaire - Lorea - Mushroom - Etsuko - Antonia - Sigona - Laianna - Bellefille - Kyla - Princess - Kari - Elora - Fujiko

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very happy to become Shikomi at this Okiya -Aya